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Hi! I'm Juliana Marin,

I’m a Colombian traditional storyteller, motivational speaker, and full-time traveller, scattering stories like seeds to heal the earth. Everyone knows stories are powerful, but I’ve personally seen them resolve conflicts, revive shattered souls, embolden the timid to courageous quests, and inspire dreams that revolutionize reality.

From the magical realism of García Márquez to true accounts of my life on the Road, from goddesses to ghosts to shamanic medicine, the stories I bring may break your heart or knit it back together, but they’ll always make you think.

achiras' img

I come from Colombia, a land where stories are still alive, and you kind of have to believe in magic. On my quest to understand how stories shape cultures, I’ve travelled—with barely any money—to over 30 countries, where I’ve told countless stories… while living a few stories of my own. I’ve hitchhiked ambulances, gotten lost in the Amazon, lost all my stories and been found by them again.

I graduated from the Vivapalabra Storytelling School in Medellín, one of the world’s most complete performance storytelling programs, and continuously expand my learning by attending trainings around the world. I’ve performed storytelling shows, given conference keynotes, and led creative workshops at international festivals and conventions, spiritual retreats, artsy cafes, streetcorners, beaches, atop a pyramid... and more!

And in all these different contexts, person after person has said to me with tears in their eyes, how did you know that was exactly the story I needed to hear?
I didn’t know. But the stories did.
Collected from all over the world, achira stories ultimately all have the same purpose: that you may go out and live your own.

Would you like to hear one?



It’s not enough for stories to entertain. They need to say the things we can say no other way.
I only tell the stories that have changed my life.
Here are a few of them.

*Offered in English or Spanish


Stories of Magical Realism from Latin America

90 minutes
Latin America: a land of light and laughter where magical realism is part of the daily dance. Also a land where darkness haunts the jungles and fear roams the mountains, and some stories must be told in whispers. Dangerous stories. Where just telling them is an act of revolution.


LIVE BRAVELY! 3 Stories to Become a Hero

60 minutes
Keynote speech built on stories of fear, regret, and courage.
Warning: may include dangerous feats you should definitely not try at home.
Side effects may include: quitting your job to travel the world; standing up to a bully; making that phone call; and/or spectacular failure.
Enter at your own risk.



30-60 minutes
Assorted short stories collected from around the world.
Potential tailored collections include:
• Stories for children
• Feminist folktales
• Wisdom tales
• Easy-language stories for students of English or Spanish
Please contact me if you have a specific topic you’d like to request, and we’ll see what I can do.



I attended the Achira Stories night at Glasgow University. I expected it to be entertaining. It was...but it was also so much more. Thought provoking, moving, educational, magical and above all, truly inspiring. Thank you so much for a wonderful experience. Long may you shine your light!

DeeDee Calmayer

If you are a person who wants to have a big positive change in your life, you should meet Juliana! Her stories make you feel as a kid again. She takes you to a magic world where you can imagine every word. Full of energy, happiness and passion, she's like a rainbow with legs!

Julian Ospina

The way Juliana tells her stories feels like the shaman in the village telling the old legends of the gods. I discovered a new feeling of being connected within a group by sharing stories. And the atmosphere created after the event by all the people that stay to talk is amazing!

Katrin Von Dewitz


A quest to the stories within

A few years ago I went to live alone in a cabin in the woods with the intention to heal my soul or die trying. While there, I discovered a type of meditation to reveal subconscious stories that completely revolutionized my life. I’ve continued exploring this “Dreamworld” and have begun experimentally teaching others to do it for themselves, with some quite surprising results—you can read some of the testimonials below.
It most likely won’t work for everyone, and I still have a lot to learn, but if the idea peaks your curiosity and you think you might like me to help you try it yourself, I may be able to offer some 1-on-1 coaching or small group workshops.
You can also do it on your own; keep reading and I’ll tell you exactly how.

1-1 coaching for spiritual healing by listening to the stories inside you


I met a Nahuatl medicine man once who told me there are three types of maladies. Physical maladies require physical medicine. Maladies of the heart can be healed by talking. But maladies of the spirit can only be healed through magic.

If you’re reading this, maybe you’re as desperate as I was. Maybe you know what it’s like to be unable to see beauty in the world, to know you have an overall good life but what’s the point, to feel like there’s a part of you that’s missing.

I guess you could say I found my magic in that cabin. My “medicine”. And funny enough, it had been in me all along: it was stories.

But they were stories that poured from a Dreamworld inside of me that I was not aware of. For lack of a better term I’m currently calling this technique a “Soul Story Meditation”, and the closest way I can describe it is like a lucid dream but you’re awake, or an ayahuasca vision without the brew. I still don’t know how this works (although my psychologist friends say there are all sorts of explanations), but it has worked for me.

I still have a long way to go, but I have come so far, and the journey has been kind. Difficult, often. Painful, sometimes. But kind. Believe it or not, when healing is lived as a fairytale, it can even be pretty fun.

I started experimentally guiding friends to access their own soul stories with some astounding results, and also began training with a shamanic practitioner, who works in a very similar way. Little by little I’ve started working with more and more people, and you can read some of their experiences below if you like.

This is also something you could do on your own; that’s how I did it. It’s deceptively simple though, and hard to believe anything could come of this until you experience it for yourself. I’ll tell you how to do it right now; if you’re interested just READ TO THE END.

I think, however, that if I had had a bit more guidance, it needn’t have been so hard, and I may not have taken so long to get as far as I have. If what you’ve read so far peaks your curiosity and you think you might like me to help you try it yourself, I may be able to offer some 1-on-1 coaching or small group workshops. I hope to be useful to you, at least in the beginning, so that you can gain whatever you need to keep growing on your own. As always, Live bravely Achira


1. Find a location where you feel safe, have darkness, and will not be interrupted.

2. Ask a question

3. Follow the story

All the information you encounter comes from inside you, so only ever ask questions you could reasonably answer from within yourself. Examples could be, “show me the root cause of my anger”, or “why do I keep repeating the same patterns”, or “how do I regain my spark”. (For those of you familiar with shamanic journeying, this is very, very similar.)

Once you state your question/intention, whatever images, feelings, thoughts pop into your head, go with that, and let the story unfold. It may feel like you’re making it up—but you’ll discover that you’re not making it all up.
It’s easier for some more than others, but so far I haven’t worked with anyone who has been unable to access this “Dreamworld”.

I understand this technique as a direct line of communication with your subconscious, who can often only speak through stories or symbols. But just as a nightmare can affect our waking life, the fact that it’s all in your head doesn’t mean it’s not “real”. Sometimes it may even get dangerous. As always, it’s EXTREMELY important to have a support network when embarking on an emotional healing process. I am not a trained therapist; I prefer to work with people who are actively already going to therapy or have already begun a healing process in some other way.


If you’d like to try this technique and would like me to coach you through the process, here is what I offer:

INTRODUCTION to Soul Story Meditations: The Magic Forest

I’ll walk you through a guided visualization in which you’ll encounter specific objects. Later we will discuss how what you encountered could relate to your real life. This is an excellent introduction to experience for yourself how the process works and whether you feel it can give you real value. It also can be used as a convenient springboard to delve deeper if you decide to continue the journeys, whether on your own or with me.

The session lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours, and is offered under voluntary donation. I suggest a contribution between 25-75 euros, but you can decide what the experience was worth to you and pay according to your budget and the value you feel you obtained. Everything you donate helps me travel further and spread more stories! 😊

A QUEST TO HEALING: Level 1 (5 sessions)

If once you’ve done the Magic Forest introduction you’d like to begin working with me to pursue a spiritual goal, I’ve developed 5 one-on-one coaching sessions to help you prepare for your epic journey. As a true storyteller, I’ve designed these sessions following the structure of many grand fairytale adventures: you are a hero on a quest. You will encounter difficulties, and need some help. You don’t know if you’ll succeed and gain the treasure, but you know you must, must try.

In these sessions I’ll seek to help you discover what your spiritual goal is, what is holding you back from reaching it, what tools you’ll need to overcome those obstacles, and what part of yourself can you count on to guide you there.


From here on, it’s mostly up to you. You are prepared to embark on your own journey; however, if you wish, I can be available for periodic check-ins, and you can schedule a journey session together any time you feel you need a little extra insight. Each session will be personalized according to your spiritual goal and the stories you’ve encountered in Level 1.


Get in touch!